Restoring Eden on Earth One Community Garden at a Time

The Seeds of Eden Community Growing Initiative is here to assist communities in setting up productive gardens that offer food security for all. As an active community group we favour simple action that gets the job done.

Our Activities
Community Gardening

We support communities as they establish productive gardens within their local areas, schools and public spaces. By using a wide range of open pollinated, non GMO plant varieties we increase the diversity of our diet and the genetic diversity of life on Earth.


We teach sustainable growing, soil restoration and seed saving methods within our existing training gardens, as well as offering consultation time to landowners who may be considering community supported agriculture, switching to sustainable growing methods or donating land for community use.


We promote and connect the army of like minded people and organisations that are making the transition happen. This is achieved through our online platforms and by initiating events for the sharing of knowledge, plants, seeds and tools.

our progress
What’s with all the vegetarians!?

If you ask a vegetarian why they choose to be so, you might hear one of the following answers: To… Read More

Seed bombs
Seed Bombing for Biodiversity

It's not new news that biodiversity is the way to healthy ecosystems, and healthy crops within an ecosystem, but what's… Read More

Let’s build a garden for LIFEbeat!

This amazing charity works with young people across the UK in developing emotional strength and real life skills to carry… Read More


Market place for home grown food
